Risk Mitigation Guarantee

Question: What if my tenants’ pet causes damage?
Answer: RE/MAX 200 Realty Property Management Division will pay

Question: What if my tenant has to be evicted?
Answer: RE/MAX 200 Realty Property Management Division will pay
Should your tenant pets damage your property REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division will pay up to $700.
Maximum payout per property is capped at $700 for legal / eviction cost and $700 for any pet damage that exceed the tenant security deposit.
Owners currently under management and in good standings with no violations of the terms of the REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division management agreement.
Only tenants and pets that REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division has screened and placed in your property.
Pet damage caused by any unauthorized pets, that the tenant has allowed onto property, will not be covered.
Service animals or emotional support animals are excluded per fair housing guidelines.
New acquired properties with existing tenant and/or pet that have not been screened and approved by REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division are not covered.
REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division is solely responsible for selecting and hiring the legal firm for a nonpayment of rent and or evictions.
REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division will first claim / bill the tenant for legal fees and/or pet damage from the resident security deposit. Should legal costs or damage repairs exceed tenants security deposit, REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division will pay up to the amount not exceeding $700 on legal and court cost and $700 in pet damages.
Transfer of payments will be made after the tenant has vacated the property and the security deposit claim has been finalized by REMAX 200 Realty Property Management Division.
Only evictions for non-payment of rent